A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

What is False or Impure Generosity?

“Patriarch Bodhidharma,” painting by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

Conscious giving where you are attached in any way to the act, is not correct cultivation, although it may be rewarded in this world or the heavenly realms. It does not help you become liberated or a holy person. The pure generosity of holy beings is not a conscious act, it is just their nature. It is what holy beings do. Read What Is Cultivation? and understand the difference between “coarse” and “correct” cultivation to see the difference:

“If you have done your utmost to apply great compassion in accordance with this dharma of cultivation, that is called “coarse cultivation.” It is not true and correct cultivation. If you do not need to do your utmost to apply great compassion, if you naturally, effortlessly and perfectly carry out the eight fundamentals of cultivation and two sets of seven branches according to the dharma, that is called ‘cultivation.’ “

“Why is it that doing your utmost in cultivation is not called “cultivation” but rather is called ‘coarse cultivation?’ It is because since beginning-less time, the power of karma and the hindrances of ignorance have obstructed practitioners. Hence, they cannot let go of greed (selfish desire), hatred (anger or antipathy), and ignorance (delusion). They cannot let go of their attachment to self. This produces the hindrances that are based on the defilements (afflictions). This also produces the hindrances that emanate from their own knowledge or habituated way of knowing. These karmic hindrances devour all of the right mindfulness (right thought) of these practitioners. As a result, the process of implementing each of these rules of cultivation is difficult for these practitioners.”

Erroneous View No. 36:  Acknowledging it is acceptable to perform acts of giving with conditions, calculation, and attachment.  In doing any good deed, we should not have the mindset of one who gives impurely and who remembers and is attached to his act of giving. After we do a good deed, we should let go of it. We did it and it is over with. We should simply forget it right away. Our kindness and compassion should come naturally as part of our innate character. Acting compassionately should not be something that we intentionally do. Thus, if you have the mindset of one who gives impurely and who remembers and is attached to his act of giving, your resulting karmic rewards will be limited to good fortune in the human or heavenly realm. You will only enjoy a limited amount of good fortune and will never become a holy one. Because the cause or seed you planted is impure, the resulting effect or fruit will be impermanent. The beneficial effects of such a contaminated cause will eventually run out. When they do and you have not accumulated other merit, it will be time for you to receive negative karmic retribution.

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Zhaxi Zhuoma

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Most of the quotes from H.H Dorje Chang Buddha III posted on this blog are from unapproved translations and may contain errors. Likewise the contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by the Buddha and should be considered as reference material and not Buddha-dharma.


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