A Blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche

Labor Day Retreat to Study “Imparting the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra”

Painting of Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin) Bodhisattva over the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina by Zhaxi Zhuoma.
Painting of Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin) Bodhisattva over the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina by Zhaxi Zhuoma.

We will listen to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III impart the dharma through His profound sutra that uses the “Prajna Paramita Heart Sutraof Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin) Bodhisattva this Labor Day weekend at the Holy Vajrasana Temple, 11507 East Ashlan Avenue, Sanger, CA. This amazing text is based on very famous dharma discourses given in China in the 1990s and published in Chinese in a very holy text in 2014. It is so holy that the Buddhas came to a dharma assembly held at the Holy Miracles Temple in Pasadena and manifested three-color nectar to honor the book and bless those who received the memorial edition of the book. I was present at that Dharma Assembly and have one of those books shown below. CLICK for more on that event.

The schedule for this weekend’s retreat will be as follows:

August 30–7:00 pm  Class-Introduction to the Sutra

August 31–6:00 am Chanting and meditation; 9:00 am Class-Prajna I; 1:30 pm Class-Prajna II (Journey to the West example); 5:00 pm Chanting; 7:00 pm Class-Prajna III (Language Prajna).

September 1–6:00 am Chanting and meditation; 9:00 am Class-Prajna IV (Contemplative Illumination Prajna) ; 1:30 pm Class-Prajna V (Intrinsic Reality Prajna); 5 pm Chanting; 7:00 pm Class-Parami I (The Other Shore).

September 2–6:00 am Chanting and meditation; 9:00 am Class-Parami II (Concentration); 1:30 pm Class-Parami III (Samadhi)

Breakfast will be served at 7:30 am Lunch at noon; and an evening snack at 6:00 pm. We will observe the formal Oryoki service for meals either in the kitchen or the Buddha Hall, depending on how many attend. CLICK for more on Oryoki.

You may attend any or all of the sessions, just please let me know if you want to stay at the temple and which meals you will want so that we can plan accordingly. CLICK for more information.

Manjurshri Bodhisattva stands guard over the Chinese edition of ‘Expounding the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra’ on the altar in the Buddha Hall at the Holy Vajrasana Temple.
Manjurshri Bodhisattva stands guard over the Chinese edition of ‘Imparting the Absolute Truth Through the Heart Sutra’ on the altar in the Buddha Hall at the Holy Vajrasana Temple.

This sutra has not yet been published in English, but last year I was given permission to read a preliminary translation at the temple and later was able to make copies of the over 1,000 pages available to those who can come to the temple to read it at the temple in English. CLICK for more on first class held in December 2018 and read the comments from other students there and HERE. CLICK for more background on why this is such an important text for anyone seeking enlightenment and to understand the true nature of reality. CLICK for a more recent article on other retreats we have had and will have again in October to study this text and HERE.

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Zhaxi Zhuoma

Thus Have I Seen (and Heard) on zhaxizhuoma.org is a blog offered by Zhaxi Zhuoma for English-speaking followers and those interested in the teachings and activities of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Read more about this blog


Most of the quotes from H.H Dorje Chang Buddha III posted on this blog are from unapproved translations and may contain errors. Likewise the contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by the Buddha and should be considered as reference material and not Buddha-dharma.


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